Moffat Library Building Update

Much has happened since our groundbreaking ceremony on April 6th. As is evident to everyone driving into the heart of Washingtonville, our new Library is taking shape. The concrete has been poured for the new addition sections and the steel is in place as well. The concrete flooring and ramps for the reading porch are also finished. Windows are being installed and our Tiffany & Belcher windows are undergoing restoration.
The envelope of the building should be completed by the end of December so that they can continue work throughout the winter on the interior. The slate on the roof should be in place before the winter snows come. This will be an exciting event since it will again show our building as it was in all its 1887 glory. The original slate roof was removed and replaced with an asbestos roof tile during a 1950’s renovation. Now the beautiful and sturdier slate will again grace our building.
The building committee and the library staff are now concentrating on choices for furniture, shelving, decorating ideas, and carpeting. Our technology consultant is working with the architects and library staff on the development of a plan for the infrastructure needed for the latest equipment. We will truly have a library equipped for the 21st century!
The excitement generated by our progress is palpable. An events committee is already working on the ways we will be celebrating the grand re-opening of our fabulous Moffat Library. We expect events to begin in the spring and continue throughout the summer culminating in a grand opening in September 2017. Look for announcements of events and ways you can help and participate!
-The Board of Trustees of Moffat Library of Washingtonville