FYE25 Library Vote

Moffat Library FYE25 Library Vote

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 from 9 am - 8 pm
@ Moffat Library of Washingtonville, 6 West Main Street, Washingtonville, NY


BUDGET VOTE: We are pleased to announce that our FYE25 budget vote passed.  Thank you for your support!

TRUSTEE ELECTION: Victoria Drake was elected to the board for a 5-year term

BOARD TRUSTEE VACANCY: There is one (1) seat up for election on the Board of Trustees. Term is for 5 years.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 from 9 am - 8 pm @ Moffat Library
WHO CAN VOTE: All residents of the Washingtonville Central School District registered to vote in a general or school election.
INFORMATION MEETING: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 7 pm.
ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Available at Library Front Desk. Ballots must be received by 5 pm on May 7, 2024.
CANDIDATE BIOGRAPHY: Download here or available to view at Library Front Desk two (2) weeks prior to vote.
FOR MORE INFO: Go to our website at: www.moffatlibrary.org
FYE25 Operating Budget Proposal


Library Materials, Svcs & Programs 196,500 201,500
Building- Maintenance & Utilities 206,000 226,500
Other Operating Expenses 78,800 79,300
Professional Services 30,000 30,000
TOTAL 511,300 537,300
Professional 887,950 955,000
Pension & Benefits 257,900 272,058
TOTAL 1,145,850 1,227,058
GROSS OPERATING BUDGET 1,657,150 1,764,358
Less Fines (5,000) (5,000)
Less Other Revenue (10,000) (10,000)
Less Reserve Funds (258,561) (258,408)
Net Operating Budget Tax Levy 1,383,589 1,480,950
*Voter Approved Building Debt Service 623,750 598,750
**Total Tax Levy 2,007,339 2,079,700


* Please note that in addition to the tax levy for the FYE25 operating budget, there is an estimated FYE25 tax levy of $598,750 to pay the debt service on the voter-approved bond for the renovation and expansion of the Moffat Library building.

**This 3.6% increase is approximately a $7.62 increase per household per year.  In other words, the average increase per family is equivalent to the cost of 2 cups of coffee per year.


The trustees of the Moffat Library have been very aware of the increasing costs across the board for families – especially since 2020.   To that end, for the past 4 years, the board of trustees has voted to keep their tax levy flat & not ask for an increase in library tax.  This has been despite the fact that the NYS minimum wage has increased an average of 8.75% each year for the past 10 years running.  

With this in mind the board has made the difficult decision this year to ask for a 3.6% increase (or the equivalent of 0.9% increase each year over the past 4 years).  This increase works out to an average total cost of about $7.62 per year per household.  For the cost of 2 cups of coffee from your favorite coffee shop, we can continue to provide you and all your family members with the myriad programs and services that you have come to depend on all throughout the year.