Home Delivery Service Sign-UpMoffat Library2022-03-17T12:37:25-04:00 HOME DELIVERY SERVICE SIGN-UPPlease complete this form to register for Moffat Library's Home Delivery Service. Be sure to fill in all the required fields. YOUR NAME (required) YOUR ADDRESS (required) YOUR TELEPHONE # (required) YOUR EMAIL (required) YOUR MOFFAT LIBRARY CARD BARCODE # (14 digit # on back of card) *(If you do not currently have a Moffat Library card, please let us know that so that we can set you up with one!) (required) DELIVERY FREQUENCY (ex: every 2-weeks, monthly; etc.) (required) BEST TIME OF DAY FOR DELIVERY & PICKUP (required) BEST DAY(S) FOR DELIVERY & PICKUP (required) LET US KNOW YOUR READING, VIEWING, LISTENING PREFERENCES