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Moffat Library Receives State Funds to Restore
Historic Carriage House
MOFFAT LIBRARY RECEIVES STATE FUNDS TO RESTORE HISTORIC CARRIAGE HOUSEThe Moffat Library of Washingtonville received calls from both the offices... read more
New! Language Learning with Mango
Let’s get started: STEP 1: Create a profile by visiting and entering your Moffat Library Card number. Create a username... read more
Introducing RCLS Go! Our New Mobile Catalog App perfect for all your devices Search the collection Browse and discover Check out... read more
Winners of Moffat Library Writing Contest Announced
"Moffat" pencil and watercolor by Peyton Andretta, age 9 Winners of Moffat Library Writing Contest Announced Thank you to all the young... read more
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NEW! – From Your Education & Recreation Resource (as of August 25, 2020)
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