Library Mission Statement
As originally stated in 1887, the mission of the Moffat Library of Washingtonville is to offer our collection and services as a source of information, education, enlightenment and entertainment to all members of our community.
Library News Archive
The library has preserved a chronological history of posts, events, programs, and new services. Please click here to view the entire our announcements blog, starting with todays and running back to February 9, 2015, when the library began its “Renewed, Restored and Reimagined” campaign to fund a bond referendum to rehabilitate and restore the Moffat Library building.
To view our news archive click here.
A Brief History of our Library
Over one-hundred years have passed and the colorful prisms of light still dance across the book-lined walls. This describes the ambiance of the Moffat Library as the sun wends its way through the stained glass Tiffany windows. –Historic Moffat Library, J. Versweyveld. In 1885, in Denver, the idea for Moffat Library was conceived. David Moffat, a self-made millionaire, wanted to do something for his hometown. The Library was built in memory of Samuel Moffat, David H. Moffat, and Catherine Moffat by her children, on the site of Samuel’s home. Designed by architect G. E. Harney of New York City, the library building was constructed of Goshen brick. When finished in 1887, it would include a clock tower complete with a Howard clock, Grecian columns, an auditorium with seating for 375, a huge brick fireplace, and brass chandeliers. The Library’s two stained glass Tiffany windows were later added in 1899.
While the library building was formally dedicated on April 25, 1887, the library itself did not yet exist. The Moffat Library Association was formed to establish a Library and Reading Room. In 1888 bookcases were finally installed and a few books began to appear on the Library’s shelves. By 1899 the collection had grown to 2000 volumes, most of which were donated by David H. Moffat. In 1994, Moffat Library received National and State Historical Property Designation. In 1995, the library changed its status, becoming a Public School District library – Moffat Library of Washingtonville. While the collection of the Moffat Library has grown and changed, its objective has remained true to the goals of its founder, David H. Moffat: the “diffusion of useful knowledge.”