Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information & Resources for Moffat Library
April 1, 2020 Update
**As of April 1 at 3:10 pm, there are 83,712 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in New York State (according to the NYS Department of Health), and as of April 1 @ 4:59 pm there are 1,782 diagnosed cases and 25 deaths in Orange County.
We are constantly monitoring the current status of coronavirus (COVID-19) in NYS & Orange County. We will make every attempt to update as the situation changes.
COVID-19 Closure Plan and Continuation of Service Plan**
**PLEASE NOTE: As of 3/13/20, the Moffat Library has implemented Scenario B. We have closed Moffat Library and suspended services indefinitely.** No late fines will be charged on any Library items until further notice – We ask patrons keep Library materials until advised otherwise.
Questions about Moffat Library? Please call us at (845) 496-5483 x 324 & leave a detailed message or email the library at: We will be checking messages daily and will make every effort to assist virtually.
We will only implement the following plans if deemed necessary.
The COVID-19 Closure Plan and Continuation of Service Plan were devised by Moffat Library’s executive team based on the best available information about the virus, its spread, and prevention measures; consultation with local municipal and health officials; and outbreak prevention and containment best practices employed by large public institutions.
The coronavirus outbreak is a rapidly changing situation. Staff and the public will be informed regularly with updates on how the library is handling the situation and when any parts of the closure or continuation of service plan are implemented.
The library’s executive team has determined the following Closure Plan is the best course of action in the event all branches must close due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This plan was approved unanimously by the Moffat Library Board of Trustees on March 12, 2020. All decisions will be made by the Director with the guidance of the Board of Trustees.
Scenario A — Cancel Programs
All programs, meetings, and study rooms may be suspended if the outbreak worsens. **As of 3/12/20 at 10 AM, the Moffat Library of Washingtonville has suspended all library programs, meetings and room use until further notice.**
Scenario B — Close Library
This scenario will be enacted once the Washingtonville Central School District closes, or upon direction from Orange County or New York State. Once the decision is made to close the library, it will be implemented immediately. The decision to reopen will be made by the library’s Director in consultation with the Board of Trustees. **As of 3/13/20 at 2 PM, the Moffat Library of Washingtonville closed its doors until further notice.**
The Continuation of Service Plan will be put into place in the event the entire library needs to close due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The library will continue to offer some services to patrons if closed for a period of time due to coronavirus.
Staffing to Implement Services During a Closure
Essential staff has been identified and will be in regular contact during the closure to ensure services are working as intended. This team will meet regularly and a determination will be made whether a longer closure is required.
We will remind the public that our online services will be available, even if the library is closed. In the event of a closure, book drops will be locked and patrons will be unable to return items. Late fees will be waived.
Resuming Regular Services
Regular library services will resume once the library is reopened. The decision to reopen will be made by the Library Director in consultation with the Board of Trustees.
April 1, 2020 Update
**As of April 1 at 3:10 pm, there are 83,712 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in New York State (according to the NYS Department of Health), and as of April 1 at 4:59 pm there are 1,782 diagnosed cases and 25 deaths in Orange County.
We are constantly monitoring the current status of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Orange County.
March 11 Update
As of today, we are adding these measures to our protocols:
+ Toys removed from public spaces for cleaning
+ All surfaces & equipment wiped down with disinfectant after use
+ Staff wear rubber gloves while checking items in and wipe them down with Clorox wipes before moving them along
+ Staff wash hands before/after all desk shifts, and before/after using library equipment
+ No late fines will be charged on any Library items until further notice – We ask patrons to keep Library materials until advised otherwise
March 10 Update
The outbreak of the COVID-19, the disease caused by the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), raises many concerns for Moffat Library of Washingtonville. We see hundreds of people every day and feel responsible for their well being. Simultaneously we are concerned about our health and the health of our coworkers.
Moffat Library has more than 7,000 visitors each month. More than 10,000 items cross our desks and more than 1,000 people attend programs every month. That translates into a lot of personal interactions by many, many people, every day we are open.
Libraries are also “second responders,” acting as resiliency centers during weather emergencies and filling gaps in services and resources, all while serving as a trusted source for factual information.
All of these interactions put the public, and our staff, in close contact all day long. As such, Moffat Library administration is keeping a close eye on recent developments regarding Coronavirus. We are exploring what we as an organization need to do so we can continue serving the public while keeping everyone healthy and safe.
Below are some guidelines for staff and patrons, as well as some resources for further information.
What We’re Doing at the Library
+ All returns must be done via the book drop. All material received in the book drop should be handled wearing gloves, and items should be wiped down with Lysol wipes.
+ Returned devices should also be wiped down upon return.
+ At the end of each desk shift, staff members should wipe down hard surfaces.
+ Staff members are directed to wash their hands at the end of a shift or when going on break.
+ Facilities staff have been directed to wipe down all hard surfaces on a regular basis, including surfaces in meeting and study rooms.
+ When possible, library cards will be scanned in the patron’s hands.
+ Members of the public and staff are encouraged to stay home if they are sick.
+ Limit physical touching.
+ Do not handle food or snacks for others.
+ Clean hard surfaces before and after programs.
What Can You Do as a Patron
+ If you have a fever and are sick, stay home.
+ If you are using our meeting room space, make sure that all those who attend are well. (*Please Note: The Library has closed public use of the Library’s meeting rooms indefinitely, as of 3/12/20)
+ Cough into a tissue or into the bend of your arm.
+ Wash your hands regularly after using public computers and borrowing material.
+ Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.
+ Spread the word, and remind friends and family that the library is a trusted source for accurate information.
We will be following the state, county, and school district’s lead. If this means canceling programs, limiting hours, or closing, we are prepared to do that. These decisions are all made at a board and administrative level, and we are having ongoing discussions about it.
The library has formed a committee to create a “continuation of service plan” that will allow us to maintain some library service even if our buildings are closed. We will work diligently to have that plan ready in the next week.
World Health Organization
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
New York State Health Department
Orange County Department Of Health
Resources for Information on Covid-19
US National Library of Medicine
Medline Plus
NPR Article: What Kids Want To Know About Coronavirus
New York State Novel Coronavirus Hotline: (888) 364-3065